Peer-reviewed Articles
[27] Pochon, A., Kontak, D. J., Iacono-Marziano, G., Gloaguen, E., Tuduri, J., Chatelin, T., Précigout, J., Campos Rodríguez, H., Mollé, V., Gourcerol, B. I. & Monnier, L. Fluid inclusions in magmatic ilmenite record degassing in basic magmas. Communications Earth & Environment, 5: 626 (2024)
[26] Ghosh, S., Stünitz, H., Raimbourg, H., Précigout, J., Di Carlo, I., Heilbronner, R. & Piani, L. Importance of grain boundary processes for plasticity in the quartz-dominated crust: Implications for flow laws. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 640: 118767, 10.1016/j.epsl.2024.118767 (2024)
[25] Stünitz, H., Raimbourg, H., Nègre, L., Précigout, J., Jollands, M., Pongrac, P., Jeřabek, P., Gies, N. & Lüder, M. Evolution of H2O content in deforming quartz aggregates: An experimental study. Journal of Structural Geology, 178: 105029, 10.1016/j.jsg.2023.105029 (2024)
[24] Alaoui, A., Airaghi, L., Dubacq, B., Rosenberg, C. L., Bellahsen, N. & Précigout, J. Role of pre-kinematic fluid-rock interactions on phase mixing, quartz recrystallization and strain localization in low-temperature granitic shear zones. Tectonophysics, 850: 229735, 10.1016/j.tecto.2023.229735 (2023)
[23] Ghosh, S., Stünitz, H., Raimbourg, H. & Précigout, J. Quartz rheology constrained from constant-load experiments: Consequences for the strength of the continental crust. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 597: 117814, 10.1016/j.epsl.2022.117814 (2022)
[22] Précigout, J., Ledoux, E., Arbaret, L. & Spriet, C. Porosity induced by dislocation dynamics in quartz-rich shear bands of granitic rocks. Scientific Reports, 12: 6141, 10.1038/s41598-022-10053-x (2022)
Précigout et al., 2022 (Scientific Reports)
[21] Bessière, E., Augier, R., Jolivet, L., Précigout, J. & Romagny, A. Exhumation of the Ronda peridotite during hyper-extension: New structural and thermal constraints from the Nieves Unit (western Betic Cordillera, Spain). Tectonics, 40: e2020TC006271, 10.1029/2020TC006271 (2021)
Bessière et al., 2021 (Tectonics)
[20] Nègre, L., Stünitz, H., Raimbourg, H., Lee, A., Précigout, J., Pongrac, P. & Jeřábek, P. Effect of pressure on the deformation of quartz aggregates in the presense of H₂O. Journal of Structural Geology, 148: 104351, 10.1016/j.jsg.2021.104351 (2021)
[19] Bessière, E., Jolivet, L., Augier, R., Scaillet, S., Précigout, J., Azañon, J.-M., Crespo-Blanc, A., Masini, E. & Do Couto, D. Lateral variations of pressure-temperature evolution in non-cylindrical orogens and 3-D subduction dynamics: the Betic-Rif Cordillera example. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 192(1): 8, 10.1051/bsgf/2021007 (2021)
[18] Mansard, N., Stünitz, H., Raimbourg, H., Précigout, J., Plunder A. & Nègre L. Relationship between microstructures and resistance in mafic assemblages that deform and transform. Solid Earth, 11(6): 2141-2167, 10.5194/se-2020-98 (2020)
Mansard et al., 2020 (Solid Earth)
[17] Mansard, N., Stünitz, H., Raimbourg, H. & Précigout, J. The role of deformation-reaction interactions to localize strain in polymineralic rocks: insights from experimentally deformed plagioclase-pyroxene assemblages. Journal of Structural Geology, 134: 104008, 10.1016/j.jsg.2020.104008 (2020)
[16] Précigout, J., Stünitz, H. & Villeneuve, J. Excess water storage induced by viscous strain localization during high-pressure shear experiment. Scientific Reports, 9(1): 3463, 10.1038/s41598-019-40020-y (2019)
Précigout et al., 2019 (Scientific Reports)
[15] Mansard, N., Raimbourg, H., Augier, R., Précigout, J. & Le Breton, N. Large-scale strain localization induced by phase nucleation in mid-crustal granitoids of the south Armorican massif. Tectonophysics, 745: 46-65, 10.1016/j.tecto.2018.07.022 (2018)
[14] Palazzin, G., Raimbourg, H., Stünitz, H., Heilbronner, R., Neufeld, K. & Précigout, J. Evolution in H2O contents during deformation of polycrystalline quartz: An experimental study. Journal of Structural Geology, 114: 95-110, 10.1016/j.jsg.2018.05.021 (2018)
[13] Bessière, E., Rabillard, A., Précigout, J., Arbaret, L., Jolivet, L., Augier, R., Menant, A. & Mansard, N. Strain localization within a syn-tectonic pluton in a back-arc extensional context: the Naxos monzogranite (Greece). Tectonics, 37(2): 558-587, 10.1002/2017TC004801 (2018)
[12] Précigout, J., Stünitz, H., Pinquier, Y., Champallier R. & Schubnel, A. High-pressure, High-temperature Deformation Experiment Using the New Generation Griggs-type Apparatus. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 134: e56841, 10.3791/56841 (2018)
[11] Précigout, J., Prigent, C., Palasse, L. & Pochon, A. Water pumping in mantle shear zones. Nature communications, 8: 15736, 10.1038/ncomms15736 (2017)
Précigout et al., 2017 (Nature communications)
[10] Précigout, J. & Stünitz, H. Evidence of phase nucleation during olivine diffusion creep: A new perspective for mantle strain localisation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 455: 94-105, 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.09.029 (2016)
Précigout and Stünitz, 2016 (EPSL)
[9] Précigout, J. & Almqvist, S.G.B. The Ronda Peridotite: a Natural Template for Seismic Anisotropy in Subduction Wedges. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(24): 8752-8758, 10.1002/2014GL062547 (2014)
Précigout and Almqvist, 2014 (GRL)
[8] Précigout, J. & Hirth, G. B-type Olivine Fabric induced by Grain Boundary Sliding. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 395: 231-240, 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.03.052 (2014)
Précigout and Hirth, 2014 (EPSL)
[7] Gueydan, F., Précigout, J. & Montesi, L. Strain weakening enables continental plate tectonics. Tectonophysics, 631: 189-196, 10.1016/j.tecto.2014.02.005. (2014)
[6] Gueydan, F. & Précigout, J. Mode of continental rifting as a function of ductile strain localization in the lithospheric mantle. Tectonophysics, 612-613: 18-25, 10.1016/j.tecto.2013.11.029 (2014)
[5] Précigout, J., Gueydan, F., Garrido, C.J., Cogné, N. & Booth-Rea, G. Deformation and exhumation of the Ronda peridotite (Spain). Tectonics, 32(4): 1011-1025, 10.1002/tect.20062 (2013)
Précigout et al., 2013 (Tectonics)
[4] Garrido, C.J., Gueydan, F., Booth-Rea, G., Précigout, J., Hidas, K., Padron-Navarta, J.H. & Marchesi, C. Garnet Lherzolites and Garnet-spinel mylonites in the Ronda Peridotite (S.Spain): Vestiges of the onset of Lithospheric Mantle Exhumation during late Oligocene Back-arc Extension in the Western Mediterranean. Geology, 39(10): 927-930, 10.1130/G31760.1 (2011)
[3] Afiri, A., Gueydan, F., Pitra, P., Essaifi, A. & Précigout, J. Oligo-Miocene exhumation of the Beni-Bousera peridotite through a lithosphere-scale extensional shear zone. Geodinamica Acta, 24(1): 51-62, 10.3166/ga.24.49-60 (2011)
Jacques Précigout. Résistance et Dynamique de la Lithosphère continentale: vers une nouvelle rhéologie du manteau... Editions Universitaires Européennes, 156p - ISBN: 6131500134 (2010)
Précigout, J. Strain localization in the sub-continental mantle: origin through the study of the Ronda massif (Spain) and implications for the strength of the lithosphere. Les Mémoires de Géosciences Rennes N°130, 147p, ISBN : 2-914375-62-X. (2010)
[2] Précigout, J. & Gueydan, F. Mantle weakening and strain localization: implications for the long-term strength of the continental lithosphere. Geology, 37(2): 147-150, 10.1130/G25239A.1 (2009)
Précigout and Gueydan, 2009 (Geology)
[1] Précigout, J., Gueydan, F., Gapais, D., Garrido, C.J. & Essaifi, A. Strain localisation in the subcontinental mantle - a ductile alternative to the brittle mantle. Tectonophysics, 445: 318-336, 10.1016/j.tecto.2007.09.002 (2007)
Précigout et al., 2007 (Tectonophysics)
[1] Précigout, J., Prigent, C. & Almqvist, B. Editorial for Special Issue "Mantle Strain Localization - How Minerals Deform at Deep Plate Interfaces". Minerals, 12: 1625, 10.3390/min12121625 (2022)
Précigout et al., 2022 (Minerals)
Workshops and Conferences
[27] Précigout, J., Prigent, C., McGill, G., Arbaret, L., Airaghi, L. & Wallis, D. Quartz amorphization to produce porosity in crustal shear zones. European Geosciences Union (EGU) - Vienna (Austria), Poster (2024)
[26] Précigout, J., Ledoux, E. & Arbaret, L. Cracking induced by dislocation creep in pure quartz shear bands of granitoids. European Geosciences Union (EGU) - Vienna (Austria), Talk (2022)
[25] Précigout, J., Prigent, C., Stünitz, H., Palasse, L., Pochon, A. & Villeneuve, J. Water pumping in mantle shear zones: From field observations to experimental evidence. American Geophysical Union (AGU) - San Francisco (USA), Invited talk (2019)
[24] Ledoux, E., Précigout, J. & Arbaret, L. Pressure-solution creep as a source of strain localization during late emplacement of granite: the case of Naxos (Greece). EGU - Vienna (Austria), Poster (2019)
[23] Précigout, J., Stünitz, H., Pinquier, Y., Champallier, R. & Schubnel, A. High-temperature, High-pressure Deformation Experiment Using the New Generation Griggs-type apparatus. Forum de technologie des hautes pressions - Sète (France), Poster (2018)
[22] Précigout, J., Stünitz, H. & Villeneuve J. Fluid pumping induced by shear localization during high-pressure experiment. Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry (EMPG) workshop - Clermont-Ferrand (France), Poster (2018)
[21] Précigout, J. & Stünitz, H. J. Fluid pumping induced by shear localization during high-pressure experiment. EGU - Vienna (Austria), Pico presentation (2018)
[20] Précigout, J. & Stünitz, H. Evidence of phase nucleation during olivine diffusion creep: A new perspective for mantle strain localization. EGU - Vienna (Austria), Poster (2017)
[19] Précigout, J., Stünitz, H. & Le Breton, N. Evidence of phase nucleation during olivine diffusion creep: A new perspective for mantle strain localization and Plate tectonics. AGU - San Francisco (USA), Talk (2015)
[18] Champallier, R., Précigout, J., Pinquier, Y., Ferrand, T., Incel, S., Hilairet, N., Labrousse, L., Renner, J., Green, H. W., Stünitz, H., Jolivet, L. & Schubnel, A. GRAAL - Griggs-type Apparatus equipped with Acoustics in the Laboratory: a new instrument to explore the rheology of rocks at high pressure. AGU - San Francisco (USA), Poster (2015)
[17] Précigout, J., Stünitz, H. & Le Breton, N. Stress-induced dissolution-precipitation: a key process for mantle strain localization. EGU - Vienne (Austria), Poster (2015)
[16] Précigout, J., Prigent, C., Palasse, L. & Pochon, A. Phase mixing induced by granular fluid pump during mantle strain localization. EGU - Vienna (Austria), Poster (2014)
[15] Gueydan, F. & Précigout, J. Role of ductile strain localization in the lithospheric mantle on continental rifting. EGU - Vienna (Austria), Talk (2014)
[14] Gueydan, F., Précigout, J. & Montesi, L. Role of strain weakening on continental plate tectonics. EGU - Vienna (Austria), Talk (2014)
[13] Précigout, J. & Hirth, G. B-type Olivine Fabric induced by Grain Boundary Sliding. Deformation mechanisms, Rheology, Tectonics (DRT) - Leuven (Belgium), Talk (2013)
[12] Précigout, J. & Hirth, G. B-type Olivine Fabric induced by Grain Boundary Sliding. EGU - Vienna (Austria), Poster (2013)
[11] Précigout, J., Gueydan, F., Garrido, C.J. & Booth-Rea, G. Deformation and exhumation of the sub-continental mantle: insight from the Ronda peridotite (Spain). EGU - Vienna (Austria), Talk (2011)
[10] Précigout, J. & Gueydan, F. Strain localization in the continental lithosphere: toward a new mantle rheology... AGU - San Francisco (USA), Talk (2009)
[9] Précigout, J. & Gueydan, F. Strain localization through the continental lithosphere: toward a new mantle rheology... DRT - Liverpool (UK), Talk (2009)
[8] Précigout, J., Gueydan, F., Garrido, C.J. & Booth-Rea, G. Deformation and exhumation of the Ronda peridotite (southern Spain). DRT - Liverpool (UK), Poster (2009)
[7] Précigout, J. & Gueydan, F. Strain localization in the continental lithosphere: toward a new mantle rheology.... EURISPET - Granada (Spain), Talk and Poster (2009)
[6] Précigout, J., Gueydan, F., Garrido, C.J. & Gapais, D. Déformation du manteau sous un rift continental : l’histoire ductile des péridotites de Ronda (Espagne). Réunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST) - Nancy (France), Talk (2008)
[5] Précigout, J., Gueydan, F., Garrido, C.J. & Gapais, D. Mantle deformation beneath a continental rift: the ductile history of the Ronda peridotites (Spain). EGU - Vienna (Austria), Poster (2008)
[4] Précigout, J., Gueydan F., Garrido, C.J. & Gapais, D. Mantle deformation beneath a continental rift: insight from the structural study of the Ronda peridotites. MAPG workshop - Marrakech (Morocco), Poster (2007)
[3] Précigout, J., Gueydan, F. & Gapais, D. La localisation de la déformation dans le manteau sous-continental. RST - Dijon (France), Talk (2006)
[2] Précigout, J., Gueydan, F. & Gapais, D. Strain localisation in the subcontinental mantle. EGU - Vienna (Austria), Talk (2006)
[1] Précigout, J., Gueydan, F. & Gapais, D. Strain localisation in the subcontinental mantle. Peridotite Workshop - Lanzo (Italy), Poster (2005)